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6 Advanced Amazon Ad Tips To Improve Your Sales: Guide 2024

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Are you using Amazon Ads to promote your products? If not, you should be! Amazon Ads can be a great way to improve your sales and get more exposure for your products.

In this article, we’ll discuss 8 advanced Amazon Ad tips that will help you get the most out of your ads. Let’s get started!

Use Long-Tail Advanced Amazon Keywords to Find Users With Strong Purchase Intent

When selling items on Amazon, it’s important to use the right keywords to attract the right buyers. Long-tail keywords are a great way to target users with strong purchase intent.

To find long-tail keywords, use the Advanced Amazon Keywords tool on Jungle Scout. This tool lets you research keywords that are related to your product and that have a high purchase intent.

For example, if you’re selling a backpack, you might want to target keywords like “backpack for hiking,” “backpack for travel,” and “backpack for school.” These keywords have a high purchase intent because they’re related to products that people are already interested in buying.

By using the Advanced Amazon Keywords tool, you can find these types of keywords and target them in your ads. This will help you attract more buyers who are ready to make a purchase.

Use Sponsored Brands to Increase Brand Awareness

Sponsored Brands is a new ad unit on Amazon that allows you to promote your brand and products to shoppers. It’s a great way to increase brand awareness and drive traffic to your products.

Here are some tips for using Sponsored Brands:

  1. Choose the right keywords. When creating your Sponsored Brands campaign, choose keywords that are relevant to your products. This will help you target the right shoppers and get the most from your campaign.
  2. Use Sponsored Brands to increase brand awareness. Sponsored Brands is a great way to increase brand awareness and drive traffic to your products. Use eye-catching creative and target the right shoppers to get the most from your campaign.
  3. Set a budget that fits your needs. When setting up your Sponsored Brands campaign, be sure to set a budget that fits your needs. This will help you stay in control of your spending and get the most from your campaign.
  4. Target shoppers with interests related to your products. When creating your campaign, target shoppers with interests related to your products. This will help you reach the right audience and get the most from your campaign.
  5. Review your performance regularly. Be sure to review your performance regularly so you can make adjustments as needed and optimize your campaign for success.
  6. Experiment with different bid prices. When setting up your campaign, experiment with different bid prices to find the one that works best for you. This will help you get the most from your campaign while staying within your budget.
  7. Use targeted placements for maximum impact. When setting up your campaign, use targeted placements for maximum impact. This will help you reach the right shoppers and get the most from your campaign.
  8. Test different creatives and see what works best for you. When creating your Sponsored Brands ad, test different creatives to see what works best for you. This will help you create an ad that engages shoppers and drives traffic to your products

Analyze Your Product Level Profitability to Boost Your Profit Margin

If you want to be successful selling on Amazon, you need to be profitable. One way to boost your profit margin is to analyze your product level profitability.

Start by looking at your average sales prices and costs per unit. This will help you determine whether you’re making a profit on each sale. If your average sales price is higher than your costs per unit, you’re making a profit. If your costs per unit are higher than your average sales price, you’re losing money on each sale.

You can also use this information to make strategic decisions about which products to sell and how many units to order. If a product has a high margin, you may want to order more of them. If a product has a low margin, you may want to sell fewer units or discontinue it altogether.

By analyzing your product level profitability, you can make sure that you’re making the most money possible from your sales on Amazon.

Use the Advanced Amazon Ad Placement Report to Tweak Your Campaigns


The Amazon Ad placement report can help you to tweak your campaigns for improved performance. The report shows you where your ads are being displayed on Amazon, and how they are performing. You can use this information to make changes to your campaigns, so that you can achieve the best results.

Here are some of the ways that you can use the Amazon Ad placement report to improve your campaigns:

Check the placements of your ads.

The first step is to check the placements of your ads. You want to make sure that they are being displayed in the right places, so that you can reach your target audience. You can use the Amazon Ad placement report to see where your ads are being displayed, and which keywords are triggering them.

Identify high-performing placements.

The next step is to identify high-performing placements. You want to focus on those placements where your ads are getting the most clicks and conversions. You can use the Amazon Ad placement report to see which keywords are triggering these high-performing placements, so that you can target them more effectively.

Evaluate your ad copy and targeting.

You also want to evaluate your ad copy and targeting. Make sure that your ad copy is relevant to the keywords that you are targeting, and that your targeting is accurate. You can use the Amazon Ad placement report to see which keywords are triggering your ads, so that you can adjust your targeting as needed.

Use Other Marketing Channels to Drive Traffic to Your Amazon Store


  1. Plan ahead and create a marketing campaign that targets your desired audience on other channels. This will help drive traffic to your Amazon store and increase sales.
  2. Use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to promote your products. Make sure to create attractive visuals and write catchy descriptions to grab the attention of potential buyers.
  3. Promote your Amazon store on your website or blog. Add links to your products and make it easy for visitors to purchase them directly from your site.
  4. Run ads on other websites that cater to your target audience. This will help you reach more potential buyers and increase sales.
  5. Collaborate with other businesses that sell similar products to yours. Share each other’s products on social media and run joint marketing campaigns to attract more customers.

Define Your Target Audience to Reduce Ad Spend and Increase Sales

If you want to improve your Amazon sales, it’s important that you target your ads correctly. Defining your target audience will help you to reduce your ad spend while increasing your sales.

Know Your Niche

When you’re targeting a specific niche, you’ll be able to create more relevant and effective ads. By knowing your niche inside and out, you’ll be able to create ads that speak directly to your target audience. This can help you to reduce your ad spend while still attracting buyers.

Research Your Target Audience


In order to create effective ads, it’s important that you know who your target audience is. You can do this by researching your target audience demographics and psychographics. This information will help you to create ads that are more likely to appeal to your target market.

Use Targeted Keywords

When creating your ad campaign, it’s important to use targeted keywords. This will help you to reach people who are already interested in what you’re selling. It will also help you to attract buyers who are actively searching for the products that you sell.

Use Relevant Images

Images are an important part of any ad campaign. When selecting images for your ads, make sure that they are relevant to the product that you’re selling. Also make sure that they are high quality and eye-catching. This will help to grab the attention of potential buyers and encourage them to learn more about your product.

Use Compelling Copy

Copy is another important part of any ad campaign. When writing copy for your ads, make sure that it is compelling and interesting. Use strong adjectives and persuasive arguments to convince potential buyers to take a closer look at your product.

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Conclusion- 6 Advanced Amazon Ad Tips To Improve Your Sales: Guide 2024

So, what are you waiting for? Start using these tips to improve your Amazon ad performance. Keep in mind that it may take some experimentation to see which of these tactics work best for you and your products. But with a little effort, you should start seeing better results from your Amazon ads almost immediately. Are there any other Amazon ad tips that have worked well for you? Let us know in the comments below!

Harshit Baluja

I'm Harshit, an Amazon tools expert with three years of experience in the world of Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) business. My journey through this dynamic e-commerce landscape has equipped me with a profound understanding of the intricacies of selling on Amazon. I'm also passionate about sharing my insights through content creation, particularly in the realm of Amazon tools reviews. My goal is to help fellow entrepreneurs make informed decisions and optimize their Amazon businesses. With a blend of hands-on experience and a commitment to providing valuable information, I'm here to empower your success in the world of e-commerce.

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