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The Helium 10 Chrome Extension Review – How To Use It?

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Helium 10 Chrome Extension


I started using the Helium 10 Chrome Extension and it's like a magic wand for my Amazon sales. It shows me cool insights right on my screen, helping me pick winning products and understand prices better. It's super handy and makes selling online a lot easier and more fun!

Out of 10


  • Real-time product data and analytics.
  • Quick access to competitive intelligence.
  • Simplifies keyword research and tracking.
  • Enhances product research efficiency.
  • Easy ASIN lookup and comparison.


  • Limited features without premium subscription.


Price: $ 29

Helium 10 Chrome Extension X-Ray is one of many tools provided by Helium 10 as part of their Amazon seller toolkit. Checkout Helium 10 Chrome Extension Review Now

As an avid user of the Helium 10 Chrome Extension, I can confidently say that it has revolutionized my Amazon selling journey.

With its robust features and real-time data, I have gained valuable insights into market trends, optimized my product listings, and significantly improved my sales performance.

It’s truly a game-changer for any Amazon seller looking to thrive in a competitive marketplace.

In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with all the essential information about Helium 10’s Chrome extension and share valuable insights on how you can maximize its potential.

Discover the features, benefits, and strategies to make the most out of this powerful tool in your Amazon selling journey.

Bottom Line Upfront:

I recently used the Helium 10 Chrome Extension, and I have to say, it’s a must-have for anyone selling online.

This extension made my life so much easier by giving me instant insights right in my browser. I could see data about products, like how well they’re selling and what people are searching for, without having to leave the page I was on.


It felt like having a superpower because I could make smarter decisions about what to sell and how to price my items. Plus, it was super easy to install and use.

Honestly, I highly recommend the Helium 10 Chrome Extension to anyone looking to get ahead in the online selling game.

It’s not just helpful; it’s a game-changer that saves time and boosts your chances of success. And who doesn’t want that?

Trying it out was one of the best decisions I’ve made for my business.

Click Here To Get The  Helium 10 

What Is The Helium 10 Chrome Extension? 🤔

The Helium 10 Chrome extension is a web-based tool for fine-tuning your selling operations and finding profitable products quickly.

Helium 10 Chrome Extension Review

It comes with powerful features such as product research, keyword tracking, product listing optimization, and competitor analysis.

Helium 10 also offers automated solutions to help Amazon sellers maximize their eCommerce success. It works with your Google Chrome browser and can be turned on whenever you are looking for something on Amazon.

This means you don’t have to leave the marketplace to get important information about how your competitors are listing their products.

It comes with many of the same features as the rest of the Helium 10 suite. Helium 10 is popular for its comprehensive feature set, easy integration with the Walmart Marketplace, and responsive customer support.

How does the Helium 10 Chrome Extension work? 👩🏻‍💻

The Helium 10 Chrome Extension is a browser extension for Amazon sellers that provides features for product research, keyword analysis, and competitor analysis.

Once installed in the Chrome browser, it analyzes Amazon product listings and provides valuable data such as sales rank, estimated monthly sales, historical pricing trends, and FBA fees.


It also helps with keyword research, allowing users to find high-traffic keywords and track their competitors’ performance.

The extension also offers a profit calculator and a backend keyword analysis tool to optimize product listings. Overall, the Helium 10 Chrome Extension provides valuable insights and data to help Amazon sellers make informed decisions and optimize their business strategies.


Google Chrome is the only browser that offers the Helium 10 extension. Firefox or Safari users will have to change their browsers in order to use this tool.

So if you want to use Helium 10, you’ll have to switch to Google Chrome and join the millions of users who go around saying, “Hey, look at me – I’m using Google Chrome!

Keyword Research🔍

Correct terms can have a big effect on a product’s accessibility and popularity. Helium 10’s Keyword Research tools help people find specific keywords for product descriptions and details.

The tools help you keep your product in line with what the piece is about. Here are the best tools for keyword study that can’t be beaten:

1.) Cerebro

Cerebro by Helium 10 is a useful tool that lets people find a large number of themes.

Users can access keywords by simply entering the URL of the product they want to examine. Keywords can help businesses attract more traffic and views, which can lead to more sales.

2.) Magnet

Helium 10’s Magnet tool pulls in all the high-volume keywords like a magnet. The tool helps businesses get free attention and increase sales by a lot. Magnet lets you search for two keywords for free every day.

3.) Mispellinator

A wrong keyword is just as good as a keyword that isn’t there. Mispellinator finds all the wrong keywords.

The tool lets people change them so that the product display page gets more traffic. It saves users from having to write down the right way to spell the keyword.

Helium 10 Chrome Extension Key Features 🔁

The Helium 10 Chrome extension has a lot of the same selling tools as the platform as a whole.

It has a ton of features that are all easy to get to from one place. As a seller, time is everything, so being able to use the tools below in one place can be very helpful.

Xray – Amazon Product Research

With the Helium 10 X-ray feature, you can examine market data to find a winning product in your desired category.

As the name suggests, it lets you “see through” the products that are selling on Amazon and determine how successful they really are.


The feature also allows you to compare products in the same category, giving you insights into sales trends, pricing, and more. This helps you determine what type of product you should pursue and which ones to avoid.

You can figure out how much each ASIN brings in each month for more than 450 million of them. You can also look at how fast they are getting and losing reviews.

For instance, you can compare the number of reviews for an ASIN from the previous month to the current month to determine if a product is gaining or losing traction.

With this information, you can identify gaps in the market and generate product ideas that you can start selling on your listings.

You’ll be a market-gap-finding machine in no time! Just remember to take a break every once in a while and stretch your fingers, or you may end up with carpal tunnel from all the data crunching!

Xray Keywords – Amazon Keyword Research

As most sellers already know, Amazon is built on keywords. They help customers find your products and put you at the top of search results for certain terms.

Helium 10 knows this, which is why the Chrome extension uses Xray to help you find more high-performing keywords for your products.

Xray also helps you spot trends so you can adjust your listings to maximize visibility. Ultimately, Xray can help you get more sales and revenue by using the right keywords on your Amazon listings.

It looks at the term you put into the Amazon search bar and finds valuable keywords that are getting people to buy the products that are ranking for that term.

This lets you improve your listings, make them more visible, and sell more. For example, suppose you type ‘folding chairs’ into the Amazon search bar.

In that case, the tool will help you identify the keywords ‘portable‘ and ‘outdoor’ that are helping products related to ‘folding chairs’ rank higher in search results.

ASIN Grabber – ASIN Lookup

Have you ever wished you could get information about a bunch of different products at once and break it all down? Thanks to the ASIN Grabber, this is possible.

By simply listing product ASINs, you can see search volume, competitors’ products, organic and sponsored rankings, and the most effective keywords.

For instance, if you have a list of 10 ASINs, you can quickly see what keywords are driving the most traffic and sales to the products.


This gives you a complete picture of the market in your niche without having to go through each listing by hand. This is an invaluable tool for researching your competition and understanding the market. As a result, you can optimize your listings and keyword targeting for the best results.

Additionally, you can also track the performance of your competitors and stay ahead of the competition.

In other words, you can be the sleuthiest of sleuths…without ever having to leave the comfort of your own home!

Profitability Calculator – Calculate your Amazon profitability 

The difference between income and profit is big. Even if your top-line sales are great if you don’t consider costs like FBA fees, cost of goods, and advertising costs, your business won’t be profitable, and you’ll run out of money.

 Profitability Calculator

For instance, if your cost of goods is $20, FBA fees are $10, and advertising costs are $5, then your total cost is $35. If your sales are $50, you’ve got $15 of income – but only $10 of profit.

Because of this, the Profitability Calculator is a very helpful tool. It quickly figures out how much a product is likely to profit.

It calculates everything, from storage fees to referral fees. This can keep you from wasting time and money on a product that won’t help your business. 

Inventory Levels – Amazon Inventory Monitor

Using Inventory Levels, you can see how much your competitors have in stock at any given moment.

This is an excellent method for determining what consumers want and identifying areas in which the existing market fails to satisfy their requirements.

This can help you gain a competitive edge over your rivals, as you can quickly adjust your inventory levels to meet the demands of the market.

Additionally, you can use this information to predict future trends and plan accordingly.

Inventory Management

Suppose you consistently monitor inventory. In that case, you can discover product ideas where you can become a top seller by remaining in stock and managing your inventory better than the competition.

For example, if you notice a product that is selling well but has a low stock count, you can order more of the product and become the top seller by ensuring that your stock remains higher than the competition’s.

You can use the program to locate individuals who are attempting to take control of your website or sell counterfeit versions of your product.

For instance, if you notice that another seller has a listing identical to yours and that they are selling a lot of products, this may be a warning that you need to take immediate action to safeguard the sales that are rightfully yours.

But be careful not to get too carried away – if you mistakenly start attacking innocent people, you could end up with a lawsuit of your own!

Review Insights – Amazon Review Analyzer

The use of social proof is a significant factor in conversion rates across the e-commerce industry, including Amazon.

Customers are given the assurance that other buyers have tried and used a product when it has positive reviews and that they can confidently recommend it to others.

This has the potential to convince even the most hesitant customers to press the “purchase” button on their shopping cart.

Amazon Review Analyzer

When it comes to understanding how people in the target audience feel, Amazon’s reviews area is a veritable treasure trove of information.

By reading through customers’ feedback, you can obtain open and honest perspectives regarding the benefits and drawbacks of various items.

For example, a quick scan of customer reviews can tell a seller whether a product is too expensive or too bulky, as described in the advertisement.

Helium 10’s Review Insights feature makes this simple. With the program, you can sift through vast volumes of evaluations and identify recurring themes. It gives you the ability to divide and conquer a vast treasury of data according to a variety of factors.

These factors include the length of time since the data was collected, the number of stars awarded, the exact keywords used, verified transactions, and more.

This can help you hone in on only the most pertinent and valuable responses and then apply these findings to your product ideas so that you can develop them in accordance with these findings.

Helium 10 Supplier Finder🤨

If you want to find a product and a supplier at the same time, you can do this in two ways with Helium 10 tools. You can use Demand Analyzer and, as you look at items on Alibaba.com, check how popular they are on Amazon.

You can also do it the other way around: find a product on Amazon, quickly study it, and then contact a supplier with just one click.

The Alibaba Supplier Finder makes it easier for Amazon FBA to find products and suppliers.


With Helium 10’s Chrome extension, you can look for suppliers on Alibaba.com, learn more about the suppliers and their goods on Amazon, and find out how much it costs to make the product.

When you first start researching a product, you might look for it on Amazon and think about how much it would cost to make any of these things.

To find out, open the Helium 10 Chrome app and click on the “Source on Alibaba.com” button. You can sort the results by price, Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ), vendor rate and type, country, and how long you’ve had your account. You might only want to choose from providers who have been in business for more than 3 years.

All of the items on this list can be clicked on. If you click on any of them, you’ll go to a product page on Alibaba.com.

Once you’ve decided on a product, we suggest starting the Profitability Calculator on the Helium 10 Chrome extension to see if it will be profitable to source this product.

How do you use the Helium 10 Chrome Extension?👇🏻

Using the Helium 10 Chrome Extension is a simple process that consists of four easy steps. Follow this quick guide to get started:

Step 1: Install the Extension

Install the Extension - Helium 10

Search for “Helium 10” in the Chrome Store and click “Add to Chrome” beside the Helium 10 Chrome Extension. Follow the prompts to install the extension on your device.

Step 2: Create an Account


After installation, create a Helium 10 account by clicking the extension icon in your browser and selecting “Sign Up.” You can start with a free option or upgrade to a premium Helium 10 plan for the extension’s full capabilities.

Step 3: Connect to Your Amazon Seller Central

Connect to Your Amazon Seller Central

Enter your Amazon Seller Central login credentials by clicking on the extension icon to link your Helium 10 account with your Amazon Seller Central account.

Step 4: Start Using the Tools

Start Using the Tools

With your Amazon account connected to the Helium 10 Chrome Extension, enable the tools you want to use in the Amazon marketplace. Browse the marketplace and use your preferred tool to retrieve various information.

Note that the Helium 10 extension is only available on the Chrome browser. Ensure that you use Chrome to access the extension. Also, consider taking advantage of an exclusive Helium 10 offer to save on your subscription purchase.

What if My Helium 10 Chrome Extension Doesn’t Work?

Helium 10 is known for its reliability, but if you encounter any issues with the Chrome extension, here are some quick fixes:

Update Your Chrome Extensions:

  • Open a new tab and type chrome://extensions in the address bar.
  • Activate “Developer Mode” by clicking on it.
  • Click Update to force update your extensions.
  • Update Your Chrome Browser:

Your browser will notify you if it needs updating. Please update it for optimal functionality, including extensions.

Clear Your Cookies:

  • Clear your browser cache to resolve slow-loading issues caused by cookies.
  • Open browser settings, click Privacy and Security, then Cookies and other site data.
  • Find “See all cookies and site data” and click it.
  • Remove all cookies by clicking Remove All.

Check Your Chrome Settings:

  • Some extensions may malfunction if your browser doesn’t allow cookies.
  • Activate “Allow all cookies” to enhance the browsing and ensure proper functionality of Helium 10 and other extensions.
  • By following these steps and ensuring cookies are enabled, you can resolve most issues and prevent future malfunctions with the Helium 10 Chrome extension.

Helium 10 Chrome Extension Pros & Cons:

The Helium 10 Chrome Extension offers several benefits for Amazon sellers, including:

Pros Cons
  • Comprehensive Product Data
  • Limited Free Plan
  • Keyword Analysis
  • Helium 10 Chrome Extension may not always be 100% accurate.
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Listing Optimization
  • Profit Calculation
  • User-friendly Interface
  • Compatibility

Helium 10 Chrome Extension Pricing 💰

You can download and add the extension to Chrome for free. If you like what you see, you can unlock even more features by purchasing Helium 10’s full software suite. 

Below is a complete rundown of the prices of all of their bundles. You can also read our in-depth analysis of Helium 10 Pricing. Click here to read.

helium 10 pricing

Also, Read:

Helium 10 Reddit Comments:

byu/trackaddict8 from discussion

byu/trackaddict8 from discussion

Chrome Extension FAQs

🧐What is the Helium 10 Chrome Extension?

The Helium 10 Chrome Extension is a powerful browser extension designed for Amazon sellers that provides a range of features for product research, keyword analysis, and competitor analysis. It helps sellers gain insights and data to make informed decisions and optimize their Amazon business strategies.

👀How do I install the Helium 10 Chrome Extension?

The Helium 10 Chrome Extension can be installed from the Chrome Web Store. Search for Helium 10 in the Chrome Web Store, click on the extension, and click the Add to Chrome

🤔What kind of data does the Helium 10 Chrome Extension provide?

The Helium 10 Chrome Extension provides various data points for Amazon product listings, such as sales rank, estimated monthly sales, historical pricing trends, FBA fees, search volume, trend data, related keywords, and competitor performance metrics. It also offers a profit calculator and a backend keyword analysis tool.

❓Can I use the Helium 10 Chrome Extension on any Amazon marketplace?

Yes, the Helium 10 Chrome Extension is compatible with multiple Amazon marketplaces, including but not limited to Amazon.com (U.S.), Amazon.it (Italy), Amazon.co.uk (U.K.), Amazon.de (Germany), Amazon.ca (Canada), Amazon.fr (France), and Amazon.es (Spain). It provides data and insights specific to the marketplace you are browsing.

🙋Is the Helium 10 Chrome Extension free to use?

The Helium 10 Chrome Extension offers both free and paid plans. The free plan provides limited access to some features, while the paid plan, which is part of the Helium 10 suite of tools, offers more comprehensive access to all the features of the extension. The pricing and plans for the Helium 10 Chrome Extension can be found on the Helium 10 website.


You can stay ahead of the competition quickly with the Helium 10 Chrome extension.

Its features make it easy to find flaws in other products, track market trends, improve existing listings, and create winning products.

The Chrome extension can save you time and money by giving you real-time insights into what’s working and what isn’t in the Amazon marketplace.

It also helps you identify any gaps that you might have in your product offerings so you can stay ahead of the competition.

The best thing about it is how convenient it is to have a data-rich interface right on top of Amazon product pages. You don’t have to worry about moving from one platform to another.

This allows you to stay focused on your goal as an e-commerce seller and sets you up for long-term success.

Some Useful Videos🤳🏻

How to Use Xray on Amazon’s Best Sellers Pages

Helium 10 on social media:

Vishal Dev

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